Digital Advertising Direct

Discover a Potential Market of Over 170 Billion Active Monthly Users on Facebook & Google!

Google processes over 5.6 billion searches per day & Facebook 2 Billion which translates to over 168 billion searches per month totalling 170 Billion.

Digital Advertising Direct

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Weekly Through
Facebook & Google Ads!

About Us

Let Us Handle Your Facebook & Google Ad Campaigns: Management, Optimization, and Content Creation Seeking high-converting Facebook & Google Ad campaigns?

Our tailored approach ensures individualized attention to each client, leveraging best practices and cutting-edge techniques to boost revenue and sustain a positive Return on Investment. 

If you haven’t tapped into Facebook & Google’s potential, you may be losing valuable customers to competitors. Embracing outdated advertising methods could yield minimal to no results.

No Social Media platforms offer businesses as much flexibility as the targeting tools deployed by Facebook & Instagram

Facebook & Instagram puts millions of potential customers at your fingertips instantly, offering unparalleled targeting capabilities. Our team specializes in crafting effective Facebook ad campaigns, honing in on prospects based on criteria such as age, gender, location, interests, liked posts and pages, and more.

Harnessing this invaluable data allows you to maintain ongoing ad campaigns that reach your ideal customers, often before they realize their need for your products or services! With Facebook ads, a wealth of easily accessible opportunities awaits, akin to low-hanging fruit ripe for the picking.

There’s never been a more opportune moment to extend your reach to highly targeted audiences. Seize the chance now, while the costs for advertising on Facebook remain relatively affordable. 

Google Search, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Linkedin, Youtube, Google Display, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger Ads, Facebook call ads, Google Call Ads, MircorSoft Bing, Spotify Ads & Local Service Ads


TikTok's potential ad reach is approximately 1.56 billion people, which represents about 19.3% of the global population.


LinkedIn offers a potential ad reach of more than 950 million users worldwide, primarily targeting professionals and business audiences.


Instagram, being part of Meta's ecosystem, reaches around 1.3 billion users, making it one of the largest platforms for advertising, particularly effective for visual and lifestyle brands.

Youtube-colorCreated with Sketch.


YouTube has an extensive reach with over 2 billion logged-in monthly users, making it a prime platform for video content and advertisements.

Google-colorCreated with Sketch.

Google Display

This network reaches over 90% of internet users worldwide through various websites, apps, and videos, providing vast reach for display ads.


Snapchat has about 375 million daily active users, with a particularly strong presence among younger demographics, especially those aged 13-24.


Messenger ads leverage the reach of Facebook’s ecosystem, which includes over 2.9 billion monthly active users, ensuring extensive audience engagement.

Microsoft Bing

Bing's advertising network, while smaller than Google’s, still reaches a significant number of users, particularly in the U.S., with about 1 billion monthly active users.


Spotify, with its large user base of over 500 million monthly active users, provides a unique opportunity for audio and display ads within its music streaming service.

These platforms collectively offer advertisers a combined potential reach of billions of users, making them powerful tools for targeted and broad-spectrum advertising campaigns.

Our Process

Once you entrust us with your campaign, we initiate the creation of Facebook & Google Ads geared towards driving qualified traffic, generating leads, and boosting sales within just 7 days. We take care of all the details, freeing you to concentrate on managing your business. 

Expect a continuous flow of leads, ripe for conversion into sales. The potential for an unprecedented Return On Investment awaits! Expand your market reach, bolster brand recognition, and access a reliable stream of highly targeted prospects who frequently convert into loyal customers.

We research what your competitors are doing in your space and check out how they are advertising on Facebook & Google and reverse engineer this to suit you and your business goals.

Sometimes this involves small changes, sometimes a completely different way of thinking is required in order to capture your target market in a way which retains them as clients.

We research the types of customers which will bring you the best return on your Ad spend. We don’t just drive any traffic to your website or offering hoping that you will succeed with a scatter gun approach.

We keep your budget in mind when bidding for the best key words that will drive targeted traffic to your offering. We are aware that budget blowouts are a typical result of inexperienced Ad management. We monitor you Ads every step of the way to optimize your campaign minute after minute, hour after hour.

If you have an existing Ad account, we review your account, look for areas of improvement and ensure the future Campaigns are aligned with industry best practises.

We compose and review your Ad campaign to ensure everything is working such as ad placement, links and analytics.

What Our Client Say


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A Ton of Value at Affordable prices

Our Facebook & Google Ad Packages


Manage and Optimize Facebook Ad Campaign For 7 Days

Ongoing Management
Campaign QA
Account Audit
Bidding & Budget Suggestion: 2
Audience Targeting Suggestions: 2
Competitors Researched: 2
Delivery Time: 7 Days


Manage and Optimize Facebook Ad Campaign For 14 Days

Ongoing Management
Campaign QA
Account Audit
Bidding & Budget Suggestion: 2
Audience Targeting Suggestions: 2
Competitors Researched: 2
Delivery Time: 14 Days


Manage and Optimize Facebook & Google Ad Campaign For 30 Days

Ongoing Management
Campaign QA
Account Audit
Bidding & Budget Suggestion: 4
Audience Targeting Suggestions: 4
Competitors Researched: 2
Delivery Time: 30 Days


Manage and Optimize Facebook & Google Ad Campaign

Ongoing Management
Campaign QA
Account Audit
Bidding & Budget Suggestion
Audience Targeting Suggestions
Competitors Researched
Delivery Time: 7-30 Days
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